Monday, January 25, 2010

Leap Year

No, not in that sense. For me 2010 has been leap year, or rather hop year.

For those of you unfamiliar with my predicament, allow me to enlighten you. The day after Thanksgiving, I was driving to an uncle's surprise 50th birthday party... only unbeknown to me, I was the one getting a surprise. My car hit a tree and I broke both bones in my right leg.

Several doctor's visits, a surgery, and a pair of crutches later: I'm doing peachy! Except for the fact that I am tethered down by my extra metal appendages. So, I've been thinking of ways to help others who are in *similar* situations.

Weaver's Way to Retain Semi-Sanity
  1. Make a list of things that you're thankful for: it's unbelievably easy to become disheartened when you're not out and about like normal. Write down three to five things each day of things that your thankful for, and be specific!
  2. Watch your favorite childhood movies: Remember that quirky little movie that you loved when you were younger? Watch it! What about that series that you loved but don't remember much of? Find it! (Google it or see if your local library or video store has a copy.)
  3. Find a new favorite movie: with all your down time (and trust me, you'll have plenty), look for movies that you've wanted to watch or have never heard of. Some times the best films are the indie ones! My favorite feel to a movie is the vintage fairytale: Stardust, The Brothers Bloom, Penelope...
  4. Bake cupcakes: or brownies/a cake/muffins/ banana bread... bake a treat you haven't had in a while. Yes, it'll be hard getting the ingredients out on your own, but when their done you'll have yumminess! (It's even better if you have someone to help you ice and decorate them!)
  5. Look at lovely things: is a wonderful site where you can find inspirational images and save them to your "heart." Find several things that make you smile and look back at them (constantly).
  6. Eat healthy *yummy* foods: since you are down with (insert injury here) it is imperative that you keep your body functioning well! It does you no good to become sick while impeded by crutches or a sling. (I'm currently fighting a nasty cold, and earlier I had the stomach flu.) But do remember, sometimes it can't be helped. Being trapped in your "ivory tower" for a length of time will lower your immune system. Zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C are very important!
  7. Create a debutante's look: some circle lenses, a pair of luxurious falsies (to wink at the world), some eyeliner, and a pale pout make for the perfect dolly look. Experiment with make-up techniques to find what looks you love. Go avande-garde with it! The bigger and brighter, the better.
  8. Buy a bridal magazine and plan out your fantasy wedding: while you may not have your Prince Charming yet, that's no reason not to be prepared! After all, you are a damsel in distress and he may see you and be instantly smitten. (Okay, okay. Truthfully, I'm a realist and thought this was the silliest idea ~ so of course I had to do it. While I didn't plan out my wedding, I did find the most beautiful Vera Wang deconstructed blush gown in the Jan/Feb issue of Bride mag.)
  9. Invite over a friend for a sleepover: especially if you haven't seen them in three or more months. Make popcorn, have a sugar high, laugh at random silly things (aka Monty Python), look over old magazines, have a good long boytalk, etc. Incorperate #2 and #9 on this one!
  10. Most importantly: devotions. Make a point to learn different attributes about your God. It's amazing how uplifting it can be to learn about Him when your down. 
While I have a list of about 25 more things, I will refrain ~ until a later date. How about it: do you have any more ideas for the medically inhibited?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Road Goes Ever On and On

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say
~ "The Road Goes Ever On" J.R.R. Tolkien
Hello my lovelies. I've moved and am almost "settled in" to Wanderlust Charm! My last venture (Eating Cultures) was a dissmal failure due to lack of time, expertise, crashing computers, and a little quirk of blogspot (if you arn't the creator of the original blog, you can't recode the html.) So!
Anyway, I'm Lady Weaver - not because I spin thread, but words. I'm looking foward to blogging about my love of cultures, cooking,  clothing, and Christ.

Now that intros are finished with - let the blogging begin!
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